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Girls Nutrition Trainings/ Information Sessions

Expected Outcomes

This training seeks to help develop a foundation for teen girls to:

  1. Recognize the impact of proper nutrition on athletic performance and overall well being

  2. Understand the main functions and sources of carbohydrates, proteins and fats

  3. Become aware of the harms of sugar

  4. Become familiar with what to eat before training practice at different timings

  5. Become aware of the harms of supplements

  6. Realize the importance of proper hydration

  7. Realize healthy tips for maintaining  a healthy lifestyle

  8. Reflect, improve and optimize their eating and drinking habits

  9. Develop practical plans for self-development and helping others



Trainees across the different nutrition trainings demonstrated that all the main topics discussed are important and relevant to a great extent. They highlighted anticipated changes in their eating habits, demonstrating that the training gave them a chance to reflect and change their eating habits. 

Trainees increase in knowledge

Table (1): % of trainees who showed an improvement in knowledge, their average improvement in knowledge, and overall improvement in knowledge for all trainees


Increase access to information and awareness on sports nutrition for overall wellbeing.



Coaches in collaboration with NSCE implemented information sessions/ trainings for more than 300 training girls and community members. The trainings are still ongoing to cover all 27 youth centers across 12 governorates.

The training focused on encouraging proper nutrition for athletes: information on the main macros, timing of sports nutrition for optimal performance,  the importance of hydration, the harms of sugar, proper nutrition for building body mass, the harms of sports supplements and tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

88.8 % of the 197 girls who completed pre and post knowledge questionnaires showed an increase in knowledge on sports nutrition. Girls disseminate the knowledge they gained by sharing pamphlets with five other people; leading to a multiplying effect of the training/ information sessions.


Specific objectives

The main aim of the sports nutrition training and information sessions is to increase access to information and awareness on sports nutrition for overall wellbeing, make sure the beneficiaries become conscious of their eating habits and make any necessary changes for better health and physical wellbeing. 

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