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January 2020
Track & Field Competitions

Integrating the girls of the project in one big competition and selecting a number of girls to participate in the Track & Field National Competition for girls Under 14 with the aim of :


  • Making sure the girls are participating in competitions

  • Improving the girls autonomy and self confidence

  • Observing the girls‘ athletic performance                        

Course and Results of the Mission

11 girls from 7 different youth centers and clubs across 5 governorates participated in the national competition and achieved amazing results.

11 girls out of the selected 16 girls participated in the national competition from 7 different youth centres across 5 governorates participated

4 girls from Al Gharbeya were able to achieve and received medals/ certificates.

October 2019
Beyahmou Date Fair


Integrating the girls in other projects that are sports nutrition related with the aim of:


  • Raising awareness about the health benefits of dates for sports performance and easy ways to incorporate dates in one‘s diet

  • Help the girls gain self-confidence and autonomy and be active team members in the community




 20 girls from Fayoum attended the date fair. They became more aware about the health benefits of dates and how to creatively incorporate dates in their diet. A lot of information was also gathered about the girls eating habits and impact of the project on the girls through the conduction of interviews.

February 2020
Sports and Nutrition Fair in Collaboration With Geckos Females Cycling Group



An opportunity for the running girls to learn more about leadership and practice leadership, lead extracurricular activities and disseminate the information they gained from the leadership and nutrition training to others.




A Sports and Nutrition Fair was held by 31 Running Girls from Qalyoubia in collaboration with Geckos Cairo’s Female Cycling Group. Go Girls were able to clearly disseminate the knowledge they gained through trainings.


Go Girls validated the positive impact of sports on character development. They demonstrated that they have acquired a lot of good qualities and were able to apply a lot of the leadership qualities they learned through the leadership training, including listening to one another, teamwork, self confidence, division of roles, effective communication, dissemination of knowledge and responsibility.




Geckos Cairo Cycling is the first female empowering initiative in Egypt that also organizes charity rides. They are a group of strong women and girls who are working to empower one another. Their objective is to normalize cycling for females in the streets of Egypt.

 Geckos and the Empowerment of Girls through Sports project have the common goal supporting the social and civic empowerment of women.


Overall Objective of the Sports & Nutrition Fair in Collaboration with Geckos


The overall objectives of the collaboration between EGS and Geckos is outlined as follows:


  • Support the social and civic empowerment of females

  • Raise awareness about the participation of girls in sports in Qalyoubia

  • Have females from different initiatives with similar objectives empower and inspire one another

  • Enhance the visibility of the project

  • Girls retrieve, disseminate and apply the knowledge gained from the Leadership and Sports Nutrition Trainings

  • Girls practice leadership and lead extracurricular activities

Pre-Fair Workshops 

Workshop 1: Preparing all necessary inputs with the girls, including sports & nutrition infographics posters and speeches 
Workshop 2: Healthy cooking workshop held by Dr. Radwa Yacoub 
Workshop 3: Finalizing all inputs and division of girls among the Fair stations and preparing for the Bakesale. 


Sports & Nutrition Fair Activities

  • Cycling tour by Geckos in Qalyoubia and arrival at the Youth Centre with their bicycles 

  • Storytelling by Geckos Cycling Group ,  Go Girls and and Coaches 

  • Sports and Nutrition Fair Held by Go Girls 

    • Station 1: Information on Track & Field and Tryouts 

    • Station 2: Sports Nutrition 

    • Station 3: Steps for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle 

    • Station 4: Dangers of Overconsumption of Sugars 

    • Station 5: Fitness Challenges 

    • Station 6: Healthy Snacks for Sale 

•    Go Girls try/ learn how to cycle 



•    The girls were extremely positive during the workshops and were very collaborative. 
•    The Fair was very well organized as the girls were very well prepared and stayed in their stations as assigned.
•    They clearly explained the information they gained through the nutrition training they attended through their stations, including information on sports nutrition, steps for maintaining a healthy and dangers of sugars through their stations.
•    All participants enjoyed the event and the workshop. Feedback from Geckos team came as follows: 


“ From all the Gecko’s team, we would like to thank you for the organization of this event! We were really happy to collaborate with you as your goals and activities really fits ours. We are also looking forward to future collaboration in other governorates.

Spreading Sports Practice to New Locations


An opportunity for the running girls to learn more about leadership and practice leadership, lead extracurricular activities, encourage female participation in sports activities and disseminate the information they gained from the leadership and nutrition training to others.




Girls from the Project participated in a field visit to Badrashin, in Saqqara, telling their story with track and field and encouraging girls from Badrshin to participate in sports activities:

  • Information on Track and Field

  • Information on Sports Nutrition 

  • Healthy Lifestyle tips 

  • Life Skills

  • Sports Challenges / Running event

Further, the girls disseminated their experiences through the project to young girls from Badrashin; through storytelling and through the organization of small-scale Sports and Nutrition Fair at Imhotep Museum in Saqqara where they disseminated information about the following based on the awareness sessions they attended, and the capacity building programs implemented through the project.

The girls of the project also participated in the Country Fair organized by Visit Badrashin Project where they had their own booth and disseminated information to the visitors for overall enhancement of the project visibility and to also get a chance to have a tour in Saqqara and enjoy the country fair. 

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